Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon (=

Following Bella Swan's ill-fated 18th birthday party, Edward Cullen and his family abandon the town of Forks, Washington, in an effort to protect her from the dangers inherent in their world. As the heartbroken Bella sleepwalks through her senior year of high school, numb and alone, she discovers Edward's image comes to her whenever she puts herself in jeopardy. Her desire to be with him at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks. With the help of her childhood friend Jacob Black, Bella refurbishes an old motorbike to carry her on her adventures. Bella's frozen heart is gradually thawed by her budding relationship with Jacob, a member of the mysterious Quileute tribe, who has a supernatural secret of his own. When a chance encounter brings Bella face to face with a former nemesis, only the intervention of a pack of supernaturally large wolves saves her from a grisly fate, and the encounter makes it frighteningly clear that Bella is still in grave danger. In a race against the clock, Bella learns the secret of the Quileutes and Edward's true motivation for leaving her. She also faces the prospect of a potentially deadly reunion with her beloved that is a far cry from the one she'd hoped for.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


lucky number 11
me, of course.
i did pretty well i must say for this exam.

you found me.
all i ever wanted was you,
and now that i have you, i don't wanna lose you at all.
you make me smile, you make me laugh.
what more can i ask?
All i know is that i love you with everything i have and nothing's gonna change.
love you baby =)

Monday, November 16, 2009

when bored, blog.

hols started and i'm so bored at home so i camwhore. HAHA


Monday, November 9, 2009

smile outside,cry inside.

I'm happy cause i got all A's.
Why shouldnt i be?
I didnt cheat. nothing.
Hope its enough for me to get into 3k1.
thats all i want. nothing else.
I officially know what my feelings are.
I don't like him anymore.nothing more than a friend.
just when i knew that, another feeling popped in.
I like another MALE.
why is this happening?
i thought i was strong enough to not like anyone else at the moment.
but i cant help myself.
man, if u ask me to define life, THIS IS NOT IT!
i just wish things were different.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Your blood type is B- and it explain that you are ...

Basic behavior :
  • Cannot take orders easily
  • Make decisions fast
  • Can be flexible
  • Do not care about rules

Tolerance :
  • Maintain the longest interest in what they do
  • Seem impatient
  • Dislike repetitious work Seem impatient

How do you see your future and past ?
  • Hard to forget recent affairs, but able to forget past and memories

How do you express your emotions ?
  • Expressive
  • Cool and objective
  • Although joke a lot, could actually be very shy
  • Change moods like the weather
  • Cannot stop complaining when they are upset

2k1 ALL THE WAY!!!

CLASS OF 2009 (2K1)
we rock lah!
the best class i have ever been in!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sempurna lyrics

Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujimu

Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

i want it.

this is actually kinda weird i want a
i wanna see the stars at night.
i wanna see the moon at night.

up there. product of being bored.
i miss school and you.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is it.

I was window shopping in Converse when my brother turned up with two tickets in his hand.
it said...

well, i was SHOCKED!
i'm so sorry xin ruo.
i know i was suppose to go with you but everything was all of a sudden.
sorry hunn :D
I really really loved the whole thing!
it was great way of putting together the whole clips of rehearsals MJ did before his death.
you guys should watch it.
it's the last masterpiece of MJ dedicated to his fans.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aries =)

Aries: The best quality of Aries is leadership. The worst quality is officiousness. A key phrase is “I am.” The Aries personality is energetic and ambitious. Aries wants to be in command and to be in the forefront of every activity. Courage is a strong personality trait.

The Aries mental process is active as well. Not liking to be confined, Aries will entertain any idea and will refuse to be limited by precedent or environment. Enterprising in all things, Aries is no less goal-oriented in the mental realm. There is usually a bright, optimistic attitude that carries over to a confident demeanor. Aries is a good conversationalist, but don’t expect to change his or her mind.

Your temperament is daring. The fiery will of Aries expresses through forceful engagement in life’s activities. Self-willed, Aries wants to be in charge and may not take instruction well. Independent and impulsive, Aries can be rash at times. The desire to be ahead of others often leads to a competitive demeanor.

As mentioned above, the thought processes and temperament often lead Aries to be combative, or at the very least assertive. You make good executives because you have the drive to get ahead. Still, your headlong rush into things can be less than inspired at times. The keen mental edge and incisive wit make Aries interesting to be with, but tiresome when wit turns to sarcasm and mental activity becomes obsessive.

So why is a potentially obsessive or sarcastic individual a good leader? Because beneath these possibilities lies the resourcefulness to try something different in order to make a difference. Like the ram, Aries sees a target, puts its head down, and charges. After the initial thrust, he or she looks around, resets its direction and charges again. Enthusiasm is contagious, and Aries can be the source of it. Self reliance and enterprise are traits we admire in leaders, as we know you will be able to manage in difficult circumstances. And just as you demand your own personal freedom, you recognize that others need personal space too. Aries’ color is red; its part of the body is the head.

Gossip Girl - Gone With The Will

In the reading of Bart's will, Chuck, Bart's brother, Jack and Lily learn that Chuck is now the CEO of Bass Industries. Chuck agrees that Jack became his guardian.

Rufus and Lily's relationship is strained as Rufus searches for details about the child he never knew he had. Noticing the strange way his father has been acting lately, Dan does some investigating and uncovers Rufus and Lily's secret, and he has to decide now what to do and who to tell the shocking revelation.


6.40 p.m
2 kemahiran 1
SMK Raja Mahadi.



we were such happy children.
exams over and guess who's back?
me which is.

never felt this good in months.
i'm singing happy-happy now.
ooooo yeah! people!
i love RENTAP and ANTANOM.
they're so cool.
wish i was alive long time ago.
nothing else to blog.