Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aries =)

Aries: The best quality of Aries is leadership. The worst quality is officiousness. A key phrase is “I am.” The Aries personality is energetic and ambitious. Aries wants to be in command and to be in the forefront of every activity. Courage is a strong personality trait.

The Aries mental process is active as well. Not liking to be confined, Aries will entertain any idea and will refuse to be limited by precedent or environment. Enterprising in all things, Aries is no less goal-oriented in the mental realm. There is usually a bright, optimistic attitude that carries over to a confident demeanor. Aries is a good conversationalist, but don’t expect to change his or her mind.

Your temperament is daring. The fiery will of Aries expresses through forceful engagement in life’s activities. Self-willed, Aries wants to be in charge and may not take instruction well. Independent and impulsive, Aries can be rash at times. The desire to be ahead of others often leads to a competitive demeanor.

As mentioned above, the thought processes and temperament often lead Aries to be combative, or at the very least assertive. You make good executives because you have the drive to get ahead. Still, your headlong rush into things can be less than inspired at times. The keen mental edge and incisive wit make Aries interesting to be with, but tiresome when wit turns to sarcasm and mental activity becomes obsessive.

So why is a potentially obsessive or sarcastic individual a good leader? Because beneath these possibilities lies the resourcefulness to try something different in order to make a difference. Like the ram, Aries sees a target, puts its head down, and charges. After the initial thrust, he or she looks around, resets its direction and charges again. Enthusiasm is contagious, and Aries can be the source of it. Self reliance and enterprise are traits we admire in leaders, as we know you will be able to manage in difficult circumstances. And just as you demand your own personal freedom, you recognize that others need personal space too. Aries’ color is red; its part of the body is the head.

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